My name is Megan. I am a wife, mother to three beautiful children, daughter, friend, teacher, and most importantly child of God. On August 6th, 2024 I found out after a routine mammogram that I had triple negative breast cancer at the age of 36. I can't even put into words how hard that hits you, how many "what-ifs" overwhelm your mind, and how heavily fear creeps in. 


After a diagnosis of that magnitude, you are left with two choices. You can choose resentment and fear, or can drop to your knees and hand it over to the God who is greater than your circumstance. Each and every day I intentionally choose the latter, and am so, so thankful for His unending mercy, grace, and provision. God does not cause bad things, but He will use them to grow us. I know the plans He has for me, plans for hope and a future, and those are just the plans He has for you. 

I have decided to take this opportunity, this unexpected time during days off for treatment and recovery, and use it as a way to draw closer to God and knowing His perfect will for my life. I am on track to read the entire Bible by the end of my scheduled treatments, something I never had time for before....something I never made time for before. For wisdom to feed our discernment, we need to consistently turn to the source of truth. If you feel far from God, as I did in the days following my diagnosis, open His word. He will meet you there!  

There are so many things He has taught me already, only two months into treatment. He has greatly humbled me, restored lost relationships, and is teaching me faith, trust, and perseverance. He is shifting my perspective on what truly matters in life. He is teaching me that the only way to weather a storm is under the refuge of his feathers, and that giving Him control is always better than doing it on my own. He is teaching me to look for the gifts and to look for the light. 

God will be your possible in the midst of what feels so overwhelming. When life brings you to a pile of ashes, be encouraged that the One who formed you most certainly knows how to rebuild you. Your redemption is coming, and so is mine.  He makes all things good, and for that I will be forever grateful. And someday we will look back and see not our trials, but His faithfulness.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (James 1: 2-4)